Thursday, February 01, 2007

Save the Blog!

[clears throat, taps microphone]

Yes, I know it's been quiet around here, but suddenly I have work to do at work and it makes blogging more difficult.

That, and I really haven't had anything to say about poetry. I could post reviews of Tost's chapbook in BWR, but I don't have a BWR handy.

I could post witty comments by Mr. Massey but he doesn't freely share his wit with me as often as he used to.

So basically, folks, help me keep this blog alive!

Suggestions please!


andy mr. said...

You could talk about how much Flarf sucks. At least then Drew Gardner and Gary Sullivan would write nasty posts about you...

andy mr. said...

You could talk about how much Flarf sucks. At least then Drew Gardner and Gary Sullivan would write nasty posts about you...

Anthony Robinson said...

Flarf Sucks!